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March Press Release

About Premier Fisheries UK

Established in 1996, Premier Fisheries UK is a market driven collective of high quality fisheries which serve over half a million anglers across the UK every year. The organisation comprises sixteen of the UK’s top regional fisheries and the UK largest fisheries management bodies such as British Waterways and C.E.M.E.X.

Premier Fisheries UK are committed to providing exceptional experiences for the whole angling community through the development, promotion and delivery of nationwide angling initiatives.

Premier Fisheries UK are proud to be members of the Anglers’ Conservation Association (ACA), the only UK organization that is fighting for pure waters and making polluters pay, as our fishery owners rely on a plentiful supply of good clean water to protect our fragile environment.

Contact details:Press Officer: John WrightTel/Fax: 0116 275 2955 Mobile: 07989 529980E-mail: [email protected]

Launching ‘The Premier National Angling CentersINCORPORATINGPremier Fisheries National School of Angling

Sponsored by both Browning and Angling Times, this venture into an academy of excellence will target all qualified coaches and recognised governing coaching bodies, making Premier Fisheries UK the National Angling Centre and the National School of Angling.

This initiative will embrace the BDAA, NFA, PAA and independent qualified coaches, all under one banner, with Premier Fisheries UK flying the flag and leading the way.

Major sponsors will be Browning, with Angling Times coming on board to fully support and evolve this opportunity of Premier Fisheries UK becoming the centre of teaching within angling, also opening up the policy of schooling by independent coaches on both canals and rivers.

As an added bonus, specialist coaching courses will be available on certain Premier Fisheries, such as Catfish and Carp, Pike and Zander.

Anne Higham is the Director of The National School of Angling and is always willing to offer help, advice and details of coaches.

There will be something for everyone, from the bare basics of catching and handling fish, to learning how to progress into the realms of the ‘big fish world’. Most importantly, tuition will be given in how to respect fish and our environment, while enjoying the pleasure of angling and catching … that’s exactly what Premier Fisheries UK and the Premier National School of Angling is all about. Enjoy!

Contact details:Press Officer: John WrightTel/Fax: 0116 275 2955Mobile: 07989 529980E-mail: [email protected]

An opportunity has arisen for Two New Fisheries to join the Premier Fisheries UK Group
all interested parties please contact Mr Cyril Brewster “Chairman”
on e-mail [email protected]

We are requesting assistance from Qualified Instructors to help run
the Premier National School of Angling in more areas throughout the UK
For further details please contact Mrs Anne Higham on
Tel:- (01507) 450623 or E-mail:- [email protected]

NEW FOR 2007
Four New National Fishing Competitions are being formulated within the group these are:-

  1. Premier Fisheries British Open
  2. The B. D. A. A. National Event
  3. the Browning Youth & Ladies Nationals
  4. National Big Fish Competition
    More details about these events will be released in Spring 2007

Any Company wishing to Sponsor or be Part Sponsor of the Premier National School of Angling
or any of our National Competitions please contact Mr Cyril Brewster “Chairman”
on e-mail [email protected]

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